GagI am typing with one hand as Harper nurses for the seventh time this morning. She goes through days where she wants to nurse constantly and wants to be held the entire rest of the time. I've attributed it to growth spurts, but that doesn't make it easy to get through (for me or for Harper)!
Yesterday I was ambitious and tried to run a few errands in one outing-- drop off suit at the cleaner's, stop by Casual Corner's going out of business sale, buy a tie at Gottschalks for the Christmas tree auction, and stop by Target for deodorant, diapers, and batteries. I was feeling proud leaving the house because Harper had a full belly, she was in a clean diaper, and even poised for a nap in the car if I was lucky. Thngs were smooth sailing-- went by the cleaner's, got a good parking spot at the mall, changed Harper's huge poopy diaper without getting any poo on her outfit, and even got to try a couple of things on at Casual Corner while Harper held her stuffed cat and chatted with me in her stroller. I found the perfect tie for Ethan right away. We made it to the checkout line at Gottchalks before things fell apart. I had taken her out of her stroller because she was getting pretty vocal about wanting to be held. We were looking at ourselves in the mirrored column by the register, smiling. Harper was sucking her fingers, as usual. All of a sudden I hear the familiar gag sound from my girl.
For the last month, she hasn't thrown up when she gags like that. It seemed she'd learned from the twenty times she vomited that way in month two that removing the fingers saved us all a lot of headache. But somehow, she regressed. Perhaps it'd been so long she'd forgotten again. I grabbed a burp cloth to wipe her wet chin. About 5 % of me though she might hurl. A moment later, up came the belly full of milk in about five heaves, the last of which made Harper strain, poor babe. Vomit was all over me and her, as well as the ground near us. I wiped what I could, paid for the tie and raced out of the mall. Harper squealed and squaked as we left, obviously not traumatized or sick.
We went home. I changed. I bathed her and put on fresh clothes. I nursed her because she had an empty belly. Determined to finish what I had intended, I packed up for Target. As I clicked Harper's car seat in the back of the car, I heard her do more poos. We went back in, got a new nappy, and finally left for my favorite store. The shopping experience was benign. We came home. E was researching for a paper and Harper was fussy the rest of the evening, basically wanting to be attached at the boob all night. We tried a different type of bottle; she rejected it. We settled in for the long nursing session around nine.
Most nights are like this: Harper sleeps from, say, 10:00 to 3:00, nurses, Dad changes her, sleeps again until 6:30-7, same drill, sleeps again until 9:30-10. Not too painful for Mom & Dad. Last night was not so. H slept in 2 hour blocks all night, reminiscent of her newborn days. This morning, on our walk down the hall to change her diaper and start the day I heard her gag. We raced over to the bathroom sink, and I caught most of the vomit this time. What is up? After cleaning her up and dressing for the day, Harper nursed for about an hour solid.
She's doing better now. Currently, she's reaching for toys in her ExerSaucer. Although trying at times, I wouldn't trade my time with Harper for anything-- vomit and all. Must be love!