Big Updates
I didn't want to post it prematurely, but it's now official. Harper can roll over at whim. She first did it on Thanksgiving, but I wondered if it was a fluke. Over the past couple of weeks, she's perfected the art and it is so exciting to set her down on her back, leave the room for one minute, and return to her reaching for toys on her tummy. (It's also fun to watch, but there's something neat about coming back to her in a different state... Maybe it's because it is that much more clear that this is really something she's doing
on her own.)
Harper had her second round of immunizations yesterday. They went a little better than her 2 months shots. She still cried loudly, but calmed quicker. This time E and I knew to sing her songs to her. They have miraculous power to calm her in any distressing situation. (She's a music lover like her Mom and Dad!)
Dr. Nagatani was pleased with her growth and development. She's now 26 inches long (97th percentile) and she weighs 15 lbs. 6 oz. (85th percentile), so she's long and relatively thin. She squawked for him and he laughed about how loud she is. He asked if she's laughing now and we said YES! She's really developing a nice sense of humor and clearly knows when Mom and Dad are teasing or playing with her. It's super fun.